In an international group about sustainable public transport

Today and tomorrow, a project meeting is held in Kalisz as part of the international project entitled "Public Commitment for Sustainable Public Transport - PE4 Trans". Participants include partners from Greece, Germany, Great Britain, Poland and remotely - from Spain.

The project focuses on increasing the efficiency of investments in public transport infrastructure and soft incentives for its use by designing it "for people, by people and with people". The implementation of the project assumes the exchange of knowledge and experience between partners so that the best solutions in the field of sustainable transport can be implemented in Greater Poland. The project complements and continues activities towards sustainable public transport and supports low emissions.

The project implementation began in June 2018 and will end in May 2023.

The partners in the project are:
Poland: Poznań Science and Technology Park of the AMU Foundation (project leader) and the Kalisz-Ostrow Agglomeration Association
United Kingdom: Coventry University Enterprises Limited
Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Special Account for Research Funds
Spain: the city of Valladolid
Germany: Grafschaft Bentheim region

This project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) by the Interreg Europe program. The value of the project is EUR 1,409,791.00.

As part of the ITI Strategy for the development of the Kalisz-Ostrow Agglomeration, SAKO implements projects in the field of public transport. As part of these projects, new buses were purchased, bicycle paths, park & ​​ride parking lots and city bike stations were to be built. All this in order to reduce car traffic in cities and thus strive to reduce low CO2 emissions, promote clean solutions and the fastest possible ways of commuting to work and school for all residents.

Public transport or cycling is the best solution when it comes to travel time, reducing traffic jams and improving the quality of life in cities. Hence, so much investment in public transport infrastructure. Sustainable transport means combining various methods of communication: from walking and cycling, through car or bus, to rail. All these elements should harmonize with each other for the convenience of residents.

The participation of the AKO Association in the PE4 Trans project complements and continues the activities towards sustainable public transport, urban mobility and supports low emissions. Cycling infrastructure is one of the priorities that local governments have set for themselves in terms of measures to improve public transport in the region. So far, over 25 km of bicycle infrastructure has been built, and several hundred "Bike & Ride" parking spaces have been created. The newly created investments are promoted with an information and promotion campaign so that the inhabitants of the Agglomeration can benefit from them in everyday mobility.

The exchange of experiences during these workshops is to be the starting point for the transfer and commitment of public institutions to sustainable public transport and urban mobility.


Text and photos: Mayor's Office
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